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1 A two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by a motor and has no pedals.
2 An underground railway.
3 A series of connected railway carriages or wagons moved by a locomotive or by integral motors.
4 A boat or ship for conveying passengers and goods, especially over a relatively short distance and as a regular service.
5 A powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and weight greater than that of the air it displaces
6 A vehicle consisting of two wheels held in a frame one behind the other, propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel.
7 A motor vehicle licensed to transport passengers in return for payment of a fare and typically fitted with a taximeter.
8 A road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine and able to carry a small number of people.
9 A large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, typically one serving the public on a fixed route and for a fare.