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Memorize the first five sentences of your talk.

Outline what you will talk about.

Prepare visuals to go with your presentation.

Write notes on sheets of paper, not on cards.

Plan the content and structure, but don't write a full text.

Rehearse your presentation with friends or colleagues.

Research your audience.

Make it clear when people should ask questions (during the presentation, at the end, etc.)

Research the venue and facilities.

Introduce yourself and your subject at the beginning.

It will help the audience follow the logic of your presentation.

They make the presentation more interesting and help the audience stay engaged.

It will prevent people from interrupting you during your presentation.

It will help you to feel comfortable in the space and make sure you have what you need.

It will help you make the language of the presentation appropriate.

They will be able to tell you if anything is unclear.

It will reassure people they are in the right place, and give a focus for your presentation.

Your presentation will be monotonous and boring if you read from a text.

It will help you feel at ease in the beginning when you might be nervous.

Cards are easy to drop or lose.