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Cut open bones in the chest carefully.

Place it in dissection pan ventral side up.

Use the scissors to continue with the skin incision till the frog's neck.

Rinse the frog.

Draw a horizontal and a vertical line with the marker.

Cut along the center with scalpel; bisect the skin equally.

Hold muscle flaps with forceps, and separate it outwards.

Make horizontal incisions through the muscle between fore limbs and hind limbs.

Pin back muscle flap to view the frog's internal organs.

Separate skin flaps from muscle using forceps.

Pin the skin flaps to the dissection tray.

Clean up work area

Make horizontal incisions above hind limbs and between fore limbs with scissors.

Dispose scrap according to lab instructor's guidelines.

Put on safety goggles, gloves and lab apron

Pin each of the four limbs to the dissection tray.

For abdominal muscle incision, lift muscle midway between the hind limbs with forceps; start the incision from the shin using scalpel

Continue with muscle incision up the midline of the frog without damaging the organs.

Wash hands thoroughly afterwards.