According to the Party, this character is the legendary leader of the Brotherhood.
Daily ritual. Everyone assembles in front of the telescreen at eleven hundred for a two-minute program that shows Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People, and marching enemy soldiers
The specialized, terrifying branch of the police that detects and arrests thought criminals.
The crime of thinking anything that disagrees with Big Brother, the Party or the Party philosophy
A secret organization, led by Emmanuel Goldstein, which is dedicated to overthrowing the Party government
Though he never appears in the novel, and though he may not actually exist, the perceived ruler of Oceania, is an extremely important figure
A square metal screen, like a dulled mirror, which works like a television screen except that it not only shows programs (all praising the Party) but also allows anyone within its range to be seen and heard by the Thought Police
a thin, frail, co ntemplative, intellectual, and fatalistic thirty-nine-year-old man.
beautiful dark-haired girl working in the Fiction Department at the Ministry of Truth
Where Winston writes his secret thoughts. He uses a real, old-fashioned pen and ink, and writes in a beautiful book with creamy paper, which he found in the junk-shop.