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I'm an international student, is the process different?

Are there events to showcase paying for school?

Ways to work for your tuition!

The office on campus where one can get help to prepare for graduate school.

The office on campus where one can get scholarships.

Who can I talk to about this? There's just so much information!!!

Sites to find scholarships.

My family served in the military does that help?

The office on campus where one can get information about graduate school.

Companies that pay for graduate school

Center for Academic Success

Yes, they are held by the Career and Talent Development Office! Check out their site for the dates.

Yes and no. There are scholarships and fellowships specifically geared towards international students. But there are also citizenship barriers that may need to be overcome.

Fellowships Research assistantships Teaching assistantships

Yes! The GI bill could help you. Go to the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs

AT&T Bank of America Baxter Best Buy BP Comcast Disney Jetblue Publix Starbucks Smuckers UPS Verizon Walmart Wells Fargo

You have a free academic advisor! Don't like your advisor? You can actually switch them!

Office of Scholarships

Career and Talent Development