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1 the process by which a union negotiates with management for a contract
2 nonviolent protest against unjust laws
3 a place where political opponents or other "enemies" of a nation are forcibly confined, especially those established by Nazi Germany before and during WWII
4 the system set up by the Constitution in which each branch of the federal government has the power to limit the actions of the other branches
5 certain rights guaranteed to all citizens of a nation
6 rights guaranteed to citizens by the Constitution and laws of the nation
7 the economic system based on private initiative, competition, profit, and the private ownership of the means of producing goods and services
8 the practice under which a nation takes control of other lands for its economic, military, or other use
9 the resolution of conflict in which concessions are made by all parties to achieve a common goal
10 the economic system based on the collective ownership of property and the means of production, with all individuals expected to contribute to society according to their abilities and to receive from it according to their needs
11 the state of tension between the Unites States and the Soviet Union after WWI
12 a person who by birth or naturalization owes loyalty to, and receives the protection of, a nation's government
13 the group of officials who head government departments and advise the President