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Interesting Facts About Gas The word gas was coined in 1650–60 by J. B. van Helmont (1577–1644), a Flemish chemist. It comes from the Greek word for chaos. Hydrogen is the lightest, most abundant and explosive gas on Earth. The atomic weight of Radon is 222 atomic mass units making it the heaviest known gas. It is 220 times heavier than the lightest gas, Hydrogen. High levels of O2 increase the flammability of materials and gases – at levels such as 24%, items such as clothing can spontaneously combust! It’s not just gas that holds a potential threat – dust can also be explosive! Examples of explosive dusts include polystyrene, cornstarch and iron. Autoignition temperature of a flammable gas is the temperature at which an ignition will take place, even without an external spark or flame. If you smell the rotten egg aroma of Hydrogen Sulfide from the decomposition of organic matter, you are smelling only 1ppm. Just 1,000 ppm of H2S is enough to kill you. Fluorine is the most reactive and most electronegative of the elements, making elemental Fluorine a dangerously powerful Oxidant. This leads to direct reactions between Fluorine and most elements, including noble gases Krypton, Xenon, and Radon. Xenon is the rarest non-radioactive gas element in the Earth’s atmosphere. It represents 90 parts-per-billion of the total atmosphere There are 17 gases in total, which can be found in the natural atmosphere on Earth. Only Oxygen and Nitrogen are found in large concentrations; 20.9476% and 78.084% respectively. Hydrogen Sulfide bubbling up from the sea may have caused a global extinction of flora and fauna nearly 250 million years ago. ATEX (an abbreviation of ATmospheres EXplosibles) sets the minimum safety standards for both the Employer and Manufacturer regarding explosive atmospheres. Jupiter – our solar system’s largest gas giant – contains about 90% Hydrogen and 10% Helium. In fact, its composition is actually very similar to a primordial Solar Nebula (the type of Nebular that our solar system developed from).




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Un químico español

La palabra gas fue acuñada por J.B van Helmont

Viene de la palabra griega para caos