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archea which, as a result of breathing process, produce methane – a flammable greenhouse gas that is produced by the anaerobic degradation of plant debris.

A narrow, vertical or nearly vertical, cylindrical shaft with circular cross-section. It is formed in crevasses by the meltwater from glacier’s surface

A species, typically an animal or plant, whose protection and conservation also indirectly protects many other species in their community and habitat.

curious optical phenomenon named after an archipelago located north of Russia, in the Arctic Ocean. It was here in January 1597 this phenomenon was first observed and documented by the crew of a ship lead by the Dutch navigator Willem Barents. It was historically identified with the premature rebirth of the sun at the end of the polar night, is a long range optical ducting phenomenon in the lower atmosphere.

a mist consisting of frozen water vapour, rising from the sea.

Process of ice-rich permafrost degradation; it taps rapidly into deep permafrost-stored carbon pools and results in the release of organic carbon. This is a rapid process, highly variable and depending on local hydrological, geomorphological, vegetational, climatological, and geological conditions.

traditional Greenlandic soup; main ingredient is seal meat (or whale meat, reindeer meat, seabirds meat). It is thickened with potatoes, rice, soaked barley, simply seasoned with salt, pepper, bay leaf.

a formidable predator, the largest falcon in the world (c.a. 0,5 m length, 800 g -2,1 kg weight), it reigns over barren tundra and desolate coasts in the high Arctic, where it chases down ptarmigans in flight or plummets from the sky at breathtaking speeds to strike prey to the ground.

The point at which an outlet glacier no longer flows on bedrock but starts to flow out over an open body of water as an ice shelf.

It describes the movement out of one’s current home range in order to settle permanently somewhere else. It may lead to gene flow, (that is, the exchange of new genes between areas), if individuals succeeds in mating with a local individual. There are many reasons why animals disperse, and it differs among species, genders and individuals of the same species. In brown bears, for example, males probably disperse because of an intrinsic motivation to avoid breeding with close relatives, whereas for the females, social competition among sisters seems to determine who disperse.