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1 It is the introduction of substances or other physical elements in a medium that cause it to be unsafe or not suitable for use
2 Set of physical and geographic factors that affect the development of an individual, a population, a species or group of certain species
3 Lack of rain during a prolonged period of time that produces dryness in the fields and lack of water.
4 Set of rubbish, sweepings, materials, etc., that are discarded, such as food waste, old papers and rags, pieces of broken things and other waste that are produced in the houses daily.
5 It is a natural stream of water that flows with continuity.
6 Liquid substance without smell, color or flavor found in nature in a more or less pure state forming rivers, lakes and seas, occupies three quarters of the planet Earth and is part of living beings
7 It is a woody plant, which branches out at a certain height from the ground.
8 they are oviparous vertebrates; of internal fertilization; with feathers, formed by dead cells (keratin); of warm blood and lung breathing.
9 It is a land located inside a town, which is intended for gardens, gardens and trees serving as a place for recreation and recreation of citizens.
10 It is a body of water, generally sweet, of a considerable extension, which is separated from the sea.