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these primary causes of high cell counts in the blood are associated with gene mutations e.g. JAK 2 mutations




this is picked up on a FBC in which the WCC Is elevated. it is treated by addressing the cause of the raised white cell count e.g. if it is a probelm with the bone marrow chemotherapy is often used. if it is a bacterial infection then antibiotics are used.

This means there are high red blood cells in the blood serum. it can be due to primary or secondary causes. primary causes include ....... vera. secondary causes are factors which reduce oxygen in the blood and so force the boy to produce more blood cells to compensate. for example smoking can cause this.

this is a high level of platelets in the blood serum and can cause problems such as thrombus formation. it can be due to primary causes such essential thrombocythemia or due to environmental factors such as inflammatory disease or infection.

you can detect this on a full blood count in which the RBC, Hb or HCT are raised

this is a high level of white cells in the blood and can be due to the boy producing more white cells which indicated a problem in the bone marrow e.g. leukemia, or it can be due to infection or inflammationinflamation

if this is primary the treatment is to remove some the blood to lower the red cell count. This is known as phlebotomy or blood-letting. chemotherapy can also be used.

this can be due to neurtophillia, basophilia, eosinophillia or monocyte leucocytosis

this will show up as a high platelet count on a FBC. If the cause of the high platelets is primary then medications are used to remove the platelets and thin the blood, to prevent a thrombus forming. if the cause is secondary and so environmental then this is addressed e.g. treat the underlying pathology.

polycythaemia vera essential thrombocythemia