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Penzias and Wilson







This scientist hypothesized, in 1927, that the Universe was packed into a very hot, very dense primeval atom, which burst to form the Universe. This is what became known as the Big Bang Theory.

In 1687, this scientist discovered the law of gravity, and stated that everything with mass pulls on other objects of mass. With the laws of motion, he helped explain how the Universe moves.

He proposed the Steady State Theory of the Universe in 1949. Stating that the Universe did not have a beginning, will not end, it remains in a steady state.

In 1929, he used his telescope to observe that distant galaxies are moving away from the Milky Way Galaxy and moving away from each other. Proving the Universe is expanding.

Using his telescope in 1610, he observed Venus has phases, proving the Sun is the center of the Solar System.

This scientist hypothesized in 1543 that the Sun is the center of the Universe (Heliocentrism).

Using a radio telescope in 1964, left over heat (radiation) from the Big Bang was observed (cosmic background radiation), which proves the Big Bang Theory.

In 1917, he developed the Theories of Special Relativity and General Relativity, which lead to the idea of an expanding Universe.