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There are fears in Brussels that what has been revealed so far is only the tip of the iceberg that organized the crime and some bureaucrats that are taking advantage of lax management controls to systematically rip off the EU.

He likes issues to be brief and clear-cut. He then makes up his mind quickly. His strenght is to assess what is happening and then go straight to the bottom line.

Hopes were high as people looked forward to a new life free of shelter-linked disasters. But people's dreams have once again been put on the back burner as they concern themselves with survival from one day to the next.

Now that people feel they have more money in their pockets I think people who have been sitting on their fence will now get off it and buy their homes.

We were captivated, laughing and gasping as the screen sprang to life with text, sound, animation, even video. It seemed almost magical, and the fact that it was educational was the icing on the cake.

Refuse to change your decision or opinion about something, even though other people are trying to tell you that you are wrong.

It is part of a very large problem or a very serious situation, although the rest may not be obvious or fully know about it.

An extra good thing that happens and makes a situation or activity even better.

Not to do anything about it until a later date, because you don't consider it to be very urgent or important.

The most important and fundamental part of what you are discussing