You as a reader have to be vigilant in detection biases- both those that are openly started and those you have to read between the lines.
The general rule of thumb is the smalles the chilli the hotter it is.
It's a brilliant sport, you should expect to fall over a couple of times but you quickly get the gang of it.
Let me tell you something off the record, Nigel, that we know unofficially that you have been followed for three days.
It's a dismal period and I suppose I can blame the goverment though I cant put my finger on why exactly. I just feel they could do more.
It is so difficult to prove players have been induced to change clubs for money, yet you hear it on the gravepine and it gives the game a bad name.
The thought instantly crossed my mind that she might be lying about her age.
But I would ask you to remember that I also am involved in this expedition into the unknown. I'll bear it in mind, newman replied, and drank the rest of his coffee as the ship's engines slowed and the Georg Ots prepared to dock in Soviet territory.
If you ever feel out of your depth, just click on Help and we'll come to your rescue.
Understant what somebody really means, or what is really happening in a situation, even though it is not stated openly.
Hear about something from people you know
Warning someone about something important which should be remembered.
You dont want anyone to report what you said
A general rule about somethig which you can be confident will be right in most of the cases.
Feel anxious and inadequate because you have to deal with a situation or subject which you know very little about it.
Learn how to do something competenly
Realize about a problem and identify it.
Suddenly think about something