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The Dauphin

Monseigneur de la Tremouille

Fleur de lis A symbol of French Royalty

The Earl of Warwick

The Arch Bishop of Rheims


Robert de Baudricourt. gentlemanly squire from Joan's district. The first person to support Joan's claims but tricked her into confessing to heracy

Cauchon -the academic theologian who interrogates Joan during capture.

La Hire of French Military commander that fought with Joan at the Battle of Orleans

The churchman who first sees Joan as a messenger from god but later sides against her

The young popular efficient leader of the French army that supported Joan but later became disolusioned with her methods

The Englishman who was Joan's most bitter opponent in war and advocating her death

The man who was known as Philip the good. Was the leader and victor of the 100 year war.

Commander in chief of the French forces. Resents Joan being given the command of the French forces