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I work in the sky. I’m often a woman. I serve food and drinks. I’m usually good-looking

I like the ocean. I have nets. I work on a boat. I catch fish.

I wear a uniform. I drive a vehicle. I pick up people. I drive a bus.

I wear a uniform. I am often a woman. I work in a hospital. I help a doctor.

I work with scissors. I work in a salon. I wash, dry and brush. I cut hair

I move people around. I drive a car. I charge a fare. I drive a taxi.

I wear a uniform. I travel a lot. People call me captain. I fly planes.

I wear a uniform. I often wear green. I have a gun or rifle. I defend my country.

I don’t have a job. I stay at home. I am a woman. I take care of my family

I wear a uniform. I work in shifts. People in trouble call me. I put out fires.