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1 From 1275 to 1307 there were some parliamentary experiments as King Edward I .................. knights and burgesses, representatives of shires, boroughs, and the lesser clergy to his parliaments in varying manners.
2 From November 1259 until April 1260 Henry III was in France for the peace negotiations. Edward used his father's absence to make a bid for independence, and Henry at least was persuaded that his son was plotting to ............ him.
3 The French courts had disposed of Edward III´s claim to the French throne by invoking and old law called ………………forbidding inheritance through the female line.
4 At the end of the fourteenth century, new religious ideas appeared in England which were dangerous to Church authority and were, therefore, condemned as ………….
5 Edward I used to travel to Paris so as to do his cousin for Phillip III for his French lands.
6 As Flanders could not produce enough wool to satisfy its market, it imported fine ................from England.
7 When Richard II ascended England’s throne being just a child in 1377, John of Gaunt would have been the most logical choice to serve as …………………(or protector) However, this did not happen and a series of councils were created to govern the kingdom.
8 In an attempt to solve the problem of “anti-Semitism,” King Edward I passed in 1275 the “Anti-............... Laws”, which outlawed the lending and borrowing of money for unproductive purposes.