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We need a car to move from one place to another. Yes, for instance a bus satisfies the same need. Licensing: https://pixabay.com/en/auto-car-sports-car-cobra-shelby-158795/

We need a vacuum cleaner (aspiradora) to clean the dust (polvo). Yes, for instance a broom (escoba), a mop (una fregona) or a cloth (un trapo) satisfy the same need. Licensing: https://pixabay.com/en/vacuum-cleaner-suction-clean-29536/

We need a pen to write letters, cards. Yes, for instance a pencil satisfies the same need. Licensing: https://pixabay.com/en/school-student-teacher-blue-pen-304602/

We need a coin (moneda) when we want to buy stuff (cosas). Yes, for instance a credit card, a note (billete) or a cheque satisfy the same need. Licensing: https://pixabay.com/en/euro-coin-currency-europe-money-145386/