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1 1. the axis perpendicular to the frontal plane, locating horizontally from the front (anterior) to the back (posterior) and parallel to the ground
2 One type of loose connective tissue that forms a sac enclosing a joint, consisting of an outer fibrous membrane and an inner synovial membrane
3 the projection of the line of gravity on the floor
4 is a corporal axis perpendicular to the major dimension of a body or to the habitual direction of movement of a vehicle.
5 Composed by the scapula and the clavicle, It is the segment proximal of the top member.
6 the plane parallel to the coronal suture of the skull, locating vertically from the right to the left, dividing the body into front (anterior) and back (posterior) halves
7 It is the anatomical low region of the trunk. Being a cavity, is a funnel ósteomuscular that becomes closer down, limited by the sacred bone, the coccyx and the coxals.
8 these are the bones that form the vertebral column. They are very resistant; a bit of bone can support a weight of 9 tons, which would destroy a cement piece of the same size.
9 One type of dense connective tissue that is characterized by a cord-like fibrous structure and connects two or more bones
10 is a type of motion in which a body acts as a radius and all parts of the moving body rotate in the same angular direction and follow a circular path about a pivot point.
11 Movement that consists of taking an extremity or another corporal part to the medium perspective that, in an imaginary way, it divides to the body in two symmetrical halves.
12 a sagittal-plane movement that the segment rotates posterior to the anatomic or the neutral position
13 a sagittal-plane movement that the segment rotates anterior to the anatomic or the neutral position
14 The contractile elements that are embedded within a network of connective tissues
15 a band of visicoelastic fibrous tissue that is located at the end of a muscle and connect muscle with its bony attachment
16 is a process of locomotion, in which the human body in raised position moves ahead being his supported weight alternative by both legs, while the body moves on the leg of support, another leg moves to and fro ahead as preparation for the following support
17 is set of fibers of a type especially that leads impulses between the nervous central system and different parts of the body.