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Good luck will follow a ship if there are dolphins swimming nearby.

If you broke laws you go to prison.

When there is abundant fruit on the black thorn, there will follow a hard winter with much poverty and suffering.

If Taylor Swift break up with a boy she write a song about him.

If woolly fleeces bestow the heavenly way, be sure no rain will come today.”

If she doesn’t use condom she get pregnant.

If I don’t study, I don’t do well on tests.

If anyone says the name backstage then the cast will have all sorts of unlucky problems and the show will certainly fail.

When clouds after rain disperse during the night, the weather will not remain clear.”

If you don’t learn english you don’t understand english’s movies.

Zero conditional

First Conditional

First Conditional

Zero conditional

First Conditional

Zero conditional

First conditional

First Conditional

Zero conditional.

Zero Conditional