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1 Adequate stimulation activates the muscle, causing its main property, contractility. When an electrical stimulus is applied, the mechanical response of muscle is like a jolt: I mean contraction time, muscle tension and relaxation phase.
2 intramuscular contraction talk when referring to the development of force carried out by a muscle is made. The more motor units are activated in a muscle, the greater the degree of contraction this means that when better the ability of muscle contraction will develop more strength inside the muscle.
3 Designates the ability to run a motor sequence relative to the position and direction of movement. Coupling capacity
4 Is the ability to prevent possible future situations, previously adapted them to react with the movement pattern and corresponding action.
5 It is quick and targeted action to certain stimuli or response to constantly changing demands. Intermuscular
6 Is the ability to move in a free space towards a certain goal and maintain orientation during the conduct of voluntary and involuntary movements, always about space and time.
7 relating to the mechanisms of the human body physiology .la also spawn information about the intent and motion control Biomechanical with development of relations of force, time distance taking place in the movement
8 the study of sensations, perceptions and motivations surrounding the movement and neurological mechanism and chemical / hormonal that control
9 narrowed or movements occur.
10 Is the ability to adapt quickly and safely, modifying our usual performance.
11 with consideration of the significance that different human fields, as well as the influence of social areas of the movements we do
12 It is the basis of all human movements and is responsible for learning, adjustment and adaptation of movements.
13 It is the basic premise on which any movement succeeds, building a concept that allows us to remember any event at any given time. Strength is the ability to perform physical work or movement also .o effort to resist a body a boost
14 is understood as one of the basic capabilities of the body and the ability to carry as an activity or effort and keep it for as long as possible
15 with description of the structure of the body, the relationship between its parts and the possibilities of movement. Improper alignment or alteration of anatomical structures clearly included in the movement.
16 Ability to react to external stimuli that lead us away from our center of gravity, balance facilitates movement control and risk falling