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The distance across a circle from one side to the other through the center.


a table with a parallel bar used for architectural drafting

title block


drawing board

A measurement that numerically defines the size and location of sketch geometry, such as the length of a line, diameter of a circle, or radius of an arc. Specifications of the size and shape of object features so that parts can be manufactured; along with notes and other text, also specify the location and characteristics of geometry and surface texture.

an architectural hand-drafting tool used to construct parallel and perpendicular lines


A rectangle or polygon near the edge of the drawing sheet that defines the usable drawing area of the drawing sheet. Borders may also include zone numbers and center marks.

a tool used to create consistent angles; architectural triangles come in 30-60-90, 45- 45-90, and adjustable formats

An area on the drawing sheet that contains information about the model, company, drafter, tolerances, and other design information.


T square


a term that describes the relative 'weight' - strength, heaviness, or darkness - of the line against the background or support. It is governed by the pressure on your drawing tool as you make your line - whether this is decreasing or increasing the pressure on the tip so that it leaves behind more or less medium - or altering the angle so that more of the tip is in contact with the paper.