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1 It is a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria for environmental management system established by the organization are met process
2 This is the mapping matrix-impact obtained. a superposition of the same is performed and listed undesirable impacts
3 is the propensity of the social, economic and environmental damage suffered by the occurrence of a specific phenomenon threatening goods
4 It is the science that studies the population, both in quantitative and in qualitative
5 It is the whole environment, watching it as an indicator and synthesis of the interrelationships between the inert elements (rocks, water and air) and living organisms (plants, animals and man), the medium.
6 They are diagrams that make up the causes of the impacts and consequences, by identifying the interrelationships between activities or actions impacted causal and environmental factors, including those representing their secondary and tertiary effects
7 It is the probability that a phenomenon arises, exceeding a certain amount, at a specific location and within a defined time period.
8 Any change in pressure in any medium capable of being detected by human
9 It is undesirable for all sound perceive
10 It is the combination of probability and (s) consequence (s) of a specific hazardous event occurs.