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1 it is a (quantitative or qualitative) parameter which provides a measure of the magnitude of the behavior and / or change in the characteristics or behavior of an environmental variable.
2 they are actions to minimize the negative impacts and effects of a project, work or activity on the environment.
3 it is the propensity of the social, economic and environmental damage suffered by the occurrence of a specific phenomenon threatening goods.
4 is the science that studies the origin and formation of groundwater reservoir forms, diffusion, movement, speed and reserves, their interaction with soils and rocks,
5 it is the science that studies the population, both in quantitative and qualitative aspects.
6 It is the gaseous wrapper, of approximately 2.000 km from thickness, which surrounds the land. The most important cap is the troposfera, since it contains the air that we breathe and in her there take place the meteorological phenomena that determine the climate.
7 it is the whole environment, watching it as an indicator and synthesis of the interrelationships between the inert elements (rocks, water and air) and living organisms (plants, animals and man), the medium.
8 it is the probability that appears a phenomenon, overcoming a certain magnitude, in a specific place and within a definite period of time.
9 they are preliminary and valuable qualitative methods to assess the various alternatives for the same project.
10 it is the combination of probability and (s) consequence (s) of a specific hazardous event occurs.