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identification and risk assessment environmental

Instruments and plans complementary

zoning management environmental of draft.

Environmental Management Plan

environmental impact

environmental license

environmental legal regulations

Matrices . • Checklists and networking • Systems cartographic and models simulation • Methodology Institute Battelle - Columbus .


Decontamination environmental

living organisms in an ecosystem

Conceptual framework. factors risks . determination threats and vulnerability. Risk prioritization . Definition of scenarios risks

It is the detailed set of activities, product environmental assessment , are intended to prevent , mitigate, correct or compensate for environmental impacts and effects caused by the development of a project , work or activity .

Defining responsible. Execution schedule and budget. Monitoring plan and monitoring . environmental indicators. Contingency plan.

Base line environmental

methodologies for the ID and assessment impact environmental

It is the effect of human activity on the environment . The concept can be extended to the effects of catastrophic natural phenomenon. Technically, it is the alteration of the environmental baseline .