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The things around you. For example, where you live, your bedroom, your classroom.

Your friendships and relationships with boyfriends & girlfriends.

Your mother and father, brother & sisters, grandparents, cousins, Aunts & Uncles, etc.

The things that you LOVE to do. Your hobbies and what you like to do in your spare time.

What you are learning and doing at school.

What you are meant to be doing in life. Your reason for living. Feeling connected to the universe or God.

What you will do when you leave school? Where will you live? How will you earn money? What kind of job do you want?

Your fitness, your diet, and your weight. Also, your happiness and how you feel most of the time.

Future Plans

Social and Fun


Dating & Friends

Health & Wellbeing


Physical Environment

Purpose & Spirituality