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Мальчик бросил лодку и теперь плыл к берегу.

Он снова положил руки на стол и глядел на них.

Они вышли из кино и теперь шли вверх по улице.

Мэри нашла старую шляпу и стала ее примерять.

Они вышли из кино и пошли вверх по улице.

Они закончили еду и теперь пили кофе.

Мальчик бросил лодку и поплыл к берегу.

Мэри нашла старую шляпу и теперь примеряла ее.

Он снова положил руки на стол и посмотрел на них.

Она поела и отнесла тарелки на кухню.

Mary had found an old hat and was trying it on.

They had finished their meal and were drinking coffee.

He put his hands on the table again and looked at them.

The boy left the boat and and swam to the beach.

Mary found an old hat and tried it on.

The boy left the boat and was swimming to the beach.

She finished her meal and tool plates back to the kitchen.

The came out of the cinema and walked up the street.

He put his hand on the table again and was looking at them.

The had come out of the cinema and were walking up the street.