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The great political leader, famous translator, accomplished artist, and well-known pedagogue, was born on July 12, 1878, in Tashkent

Behbudi was born in that city

I. Gasprinski advocated his ideas from the pages of that newspaper

He was called as the "Father of Jadids of Turkistan"

What did write the A.Avlani about the poor economic situation of his family

he wrote an alphabetical book "Adibi awwal" ("the first sage", 1907), "Adibi Soni" ("the second sage", 1907).

The emergence of Jadidism associated precisely with these schools

He was studied university of Sorbonne

From 1891, I studied only in winter days and worked as a laborer in other seasons

Usul-i Jadid schools







Since the school mainly accepts children from the poor, the Jadids have united to .......

In Turkestan, there were how many medrasas in the early 20th century?

In 1907, Abdulla Avloni started publishing modern newspapers

Which city was later renamed Behbudiy in his honor from 1922 to 1937?

In Turkestan, there were how many schools in the early 20th century?

One of the friends and partners of M.Behbudi?

Haji Muin

“Jamiyati Khairiya”



