Frequency Adverbs
Interrogative Form
State Verbs
Affirmative Form
Present Simple Uses
Negative Form
Simple Present
Third Person Singular
Do/Does + subject + verb?
Subject + base verb
Subject + do/does not + verb
Add 's' or 'es' to verbs
Words like 'always', 'never'
Express feelings or thoughts
Routine actions and facts
Used for habitual actions
State Verbs
Negative Form
Affirmative Form
Interrogative Form
Simple Present
Present Simple Uses
Third Person Singular
Frequency Adverbs
Words like 'always', 'never'
Used for habitual actions
Subject + base verb
Subject + do/does not + verb
Do/Does + subject + verb?
Add 's' or 'es' to verbs
Express feelings or thoughts
Routine actions and facts