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Simone: I can focus on my studies if there are no distractions. The problem is that I get so many messages from friends.

Katia:I start off feeling like I have all the time in the world. Then it gets to deadline time and I have no idea where the days and hours have gone!

Radu: I guess social media is my biggest obstacle to getting things done. It´s just too easy to take time out and see what my buddies are doing.

Deepali: I find that I lose concentration too easily. I start off well, but after an hour I don´t feel like I´m taking anything in anymore.

Roberto: I feel like I spend a lot of time reading online. The problem is that I´m never sure if the stuff I´m reading is actually any good.

Study in short periods (45 minutes is realistic), and reward yourself with 5 to 10 minutes of relaxation between study periods.

Decide what needs to be done urgently and what is not so important. Be realistic about how long it takes you to complete tasks.

Turn your phone off when you are studying, or keep it on silent.

Before you start reading an article online, make sure that it comes from a source that you can trust.

Reward yourself with social media time at the end of a study session, but go offline when you are trying to complete a task.