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1. My brother and our family
his MMy Mbrother Mhis Mtwo Mwith Msisters Mlives Mbrother Mand
2. My grandmother has many pets!
little Ihave Ifour Ithree Ione Idogs Ibut II Ihas Iand Igrandmother Idog Imy Ibirds I
3. My school
my Ithere Iand Ischool Iare Iteachers Iclassrooms Iseven IIn Isix
4. My friends
one Ifriends Iand Ione, I IClaudia Itwo Ipet II IJulio Ihave Iboyfriend Ihas Ihas
5. The kitchen
kitchen Iare Ione Ithe Ilemon IIn Ifive, I Icarrots Ione Ithere Iegg Iand
6. We are watching t.v
cats Mv Mwatching Mtwo MMaría Mand. Mare Mlittle Mdoggy MI Mour Mand Mmy Mwith Mt