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Thank you

When is the train to Liverpool, please?

Which platform?

How much is the return ticket?

That will be 14 pounds

You’re welcome

Platform seven

At 3.15 a.m., madam

Really? The day after tomorrow? That’s very soon

When are you going on vacation?

How long are you going to stay there?

When are you coming back?

About 2 weeks

I’m coming back on the 17th

Yes, I know

I’m leaving on Sunday. We’re going to Canada

Do you take a good care of your car?

So, it’s pretty old now

Do you have a car?

Is it new?

Yes, I have a white Mercedes

It was new in 2005

Yes, I periodically take it for technical inspection

Yes, it is. But it still looks good

Where did you meet all these kids?

That sounds like fun

I’ve been looking for you. Where have you been?

Hello, Zarina

I spent the whole day with dozens of little children!

Hello, Lola

I met them at the primary school down the street

Yes, it was fun, but exhausting! Kids have so much energy

Did you visit the doctor?

Ozar, what’s wrong with you?

Sure. Anything else?

Look, I’m going to the drug store now, can I get anything to you?

Yes, if it’s not too much trouble, would you get some tissues to me?

Not yet

I’m starting a cold

No, thanks

I need some flowers for my mother. It is her birthday

That sounds like a good deal

I’ll take a dozen

How much are the roses?

Splendid. I’m sure your mother will love them

50 somoni per dozen

Yes, they are on sale today

Very well. We have some fresh red roses

What cities did you go?

Really? Did you go to Europe?

Did you go to Berlin?

David, where did you go last week?

I went on a trip with my family

No, I didn’t go there. I’d like to go to Berlin next time

London, Paris and a few other cities

Yes, it was exciting!

) I think you’re a very good companion

Can I pick you up Friday afternoon?

We’ll go to a French restaurant

Would you have dinner with me?

I would like to

I've never been to a French restaurant

Where shall we go?

Thank you

What time are you going there?

Can you come to my house after the dentist?

Ozar, are you free on Friday, I have a birthday party?

Hi, Ozar! It’s Ruslan

Hi, Ruslan

With great pleasure

At four o’clock

I’m going to the dentist on Friday

When were you in Norway?

In the Central Asia

What countries have you been to?

I’ve been to Uzbekistan

Wow! I haven’t ever been there

Where is it situated?

Three years ago. What countries have you been to?

I’ve been to Norway and Finland