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Learning Objectives

Student Responsibilities

Course Content

Grading Method

Basic Information

Teaching Philosophy

Materials and Access


Clear, explicit statement of assessment process and measurements.

Schedule, outline, meeting dates and holidays, major topics and sub-topics preferably with rationale for inclusion.

Pedagogical approach including rationale for why students will benefit from it.

Required texts and readings; how to get materials including relevant instructional technologies. Additional resources such as study groups, etc.

How the course relates to primary concepts and principles of the discipline; how and why the course is organized in a particular sequence.

What students will gain or take away from your course; the most important skills and knowledge for the course.

Course name and number, meeting time and place, instructor name, contact information, office hours, instructional support staff information.

Particulars and rationale for homework, projects, quizzes, exams, participation, due dates, policies on lateness, missed work, extra credit, etc.