a wino
a dope
to tiptoe around somebody/something
to get the hang of something
to have somebody pegged
to get to the bottom of something
be in a funk
to leave a lot to be desired
be barking up the wrong tree
a trick intended to deceive someone
a person who drinks a lot of cheap alcohol and who has no home
to be bad or unacceptable
to learn how to do or to use something; to understand something
to be very unhappy and without hope
to find out the real cause of something, especially something unpleasant
to have figured out the true nature of a person
not strong, brave or confident
not behaving or thinking normally because of the effects of a drug such as marijuana or alcohol
to have the wrong idea about how to get or achieve something, try to do something in a way that will not work
a stupid person, an idiot
to avoid dealing with a difficult subject, problem, or person