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It is a web platform and a mobile application in which one can find a wide range of short authentic videos extracted from TV series, movies, songs, advertisements and documentaries and do translation tasks in different language proficiency levels.

Helps you improve your English language skills on your own through short video clips.

It is a microlearning platform that leverages the power of AI and gamified learning to help people improve their English skills.

Teaches words through “flash cards”. The card may contain a word, a picture, a definition of the word, antonyms, synonyms, pronunciation or phrases in which the word is used.

It is a fun and engaging app specially designed to help you improve your English pronunciation.

This artificial intelligence technology was developed based on voice data from English speakers with different accents.

It is especially for those who like to be informed, as it contains news and curious facts about the global reality with podcasts and downloadable videos.

It has key words with their definitions.

This app is for listening and reading practice.