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Malthus' theory was not as accurate as the demographic transition theory, because Malthus did not anticipate _____ .

When the growth rate for the world drops to 0, the actual world population will continue to grow, until it reaches _____ .

The main factors in mortality rates & fertility rates are _____ , and you can view these factors easily in a population pyramid.

When world population finally stabilizes, we will have reached ____, which means a person dies for every person born, so the population never changes

Laws that limit parents to 2 children will not create zero population growth right away, due to _____ , which takes 7 decades to expire.

Thankfully, from 1976 until today, the amount of time it takes for the world population to double is same as the time before, mainly because of ____

Voluntary population control provide direct services like contraception, & indirect services like _____

Singapore forced population control was so effective that their fertility rate is now _____ & they now support families of 3+ children.

In "An Essay on the Principle of Population," Malthus argues that _____ .

In a population, the number of people in economically active ages are compared with the number of people in dependent ages, and we have the _____

The only way to reduce world population is through _____ , or birth control; This is because the world death rate has already been reduced.

From the start of recorded history until 1976, the amount of time it takes for the world population to double _____

In China, parents that limit their families to 1 child receive their choice of school & work, and the parents receive _____ when they are older.

Developed nations like Britain have old-age dependency, so they struggle to find a _____ that can support their old-age population in retirement

Demographic transition theory: _____ countries are in the second stage, where modernization occurs & mortality drops, but birth rate remain high.

In the past, nations wanted large populations to offset disease & to support large armies, but now nations view large populations as _____

Zero population growth can only be reached once the fertility rate reaches the _____ , or 2.1 babies per household.

From 1963 to 2012, China's "one-child" policy lowered its fertility rate using punishments & rewards, also known as _____ population-control

Population growth does NOT occur in arithmetic increments, but in geometric increments, otherwise known as _____ .

Our world population numbers are just a reasonable guess, because _____ has counted all the people in the world