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Mother's Day



New Year's Eve


Valentine's Day

April Fools' Day


Celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of a new one with fireworks and parties.

Celebrating the day someone was born with cake, presents, and maybe a party.

A day for playing harmless pranks and tricks on friends and family.

Dressing up in costumes, trick-or-treating, and celebrating with spooky decorations.

Showing love and affection to someone special with cards, gifts, or flowers.

Giving thanks for the harvest and blessings, often with a big feast.

Honoring mothers and motherhood with cards, gifts, or special outings.

A ceremony where two people get married, often followed by a reception.

Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, often with egg hunts and special meals.

Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ with gifts, decorations, and family gatherings.