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A new grandmother ____ so as not to give unwanted advice.

The aging couple decided ____, so they sold their home and moved to a retirement community.

Martha was very angry with her boss, but she decided to keep quiet and ____.

Your parents are strict but you’re 25 years old and still getting money from them so be careful about ____.

My friend's career ____ when she lost her job.

I think he's ____ taking all those classes.

Monica ____ because she is an artist while everyone else is an economist.

I wanted to tell him he looked ridiculous, but I ____.

You're going to have to learn ____ instead of saying whatever comes into your head.

My cousin is seen as ____. She left school to run off with her boyfriend.

The kids decided to ____ and clean their rooms so they could go to the park.

I realized that I ____ when I assured to complete the painting in one day.

She hates going to the dentist, but she ____.

I am not going ____ so easily because I have always been a fighter.

biting the hand that feeds you

to bite your tongue

bitten off more than he can chew

'll just have to bite the bullet

the black sheep in our family

to bite the dust

bit off more than I could chew

not bite the hand that feeds her

is the black sheep of the family

bite the bullet

must learn to bite her tongue

to bite the bullet

bit my tongue

bit the dust