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not Igo Ito Ithe II'm Igoing Ihospital Ito
2. Shoe store
going Dis Dto DDaniella Dto Dgo Dthe Dstore Dshoe. D
3. cafeteria
cafeteria Athe AAre Agoing Ato Ato Ayou Ago? A
4. shopping mall
go Ithe II'm Inot Iby Ito Ihelicopter Ishopping Imall Ito Igoing. I
5. grandparents
grandparents Ito Igo Ivisit Imy II'm Igoing Ito. I
6. office
by Abike Ato Ayou AAre Aoffice Agoing Ago Ato Athe? A
7. hair salon
to Mgoing Mtaxi Mis Mthe Msalon Mhair Mby Mto Mgo MMaritza. M
8. stadium
stadium Aby Athe Ago Ayou Ato Acar Agoing Ato AAre? A
9. water park
go Agoing Awater Ato Ato Aby Athe AAre Abus Ayou Apark? A
10. supermarket
supermarket Mby MMy Mto Mto Mgo Mthe Mis Mtaxi Mmom Mgoing. M
11. arcade
to Athey Agoing Aarcade Ago AAre Ato Athe? A
12. country club
by Igo Ito Iclub Inot Icountry II'm Itank Ithe Igoing Ito. I
13. discotech
to Mgo Mare Mto Mgoing MMarco Mdiscotech Mthe Mand MDanilo. M
14. park
park Ithe Igo Ito Iby Ibike Ito II'm Inot Igoing. I
15. skate park
to Ago Ato AAre Athe Askate Ayou Agoing Apark A? A
16. cemetery
not Hto Hthe Hto Hplane Hgoing Hgo HHe's Hby Hcemetery. H