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straw man



false dichotomy

red herring

ad hominem




the study of life’s questions (literally means ‘love of wisdom’)

a logical fallacy where you say something mean instead of proving them wrong (literally means ‘at the person’)

the father of philosophy. He would go to town and talk to people, asking them why they think what they think.

a logical fallacy where someone thinks they’re right because of how many people agree with them

a logical fallacy where someone twists your words in order to make them easier to prove wrong

a logical fallacy where you think only two options are possible (“Either you steal for me, or you’re a bad friend.”)

Socrates’ student. We know what Socrates said because Plato wrote it down.

a logical fallacy where someone responds with something related to the topic, but they didn’t actually answer the question

one who studies philosophy

a place to debate/share ideas