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Mehmed II

Genghis Khan

Kublai Khan


United the Mongols, conquered much of N. China

Wife of Justinian

Created a new set of Laws

Finished conquering China, Founded the Mongol Yuan Dynasty

Ottoman Sultan, captured Constantinople

Marco Polo


Mansa Musa

Prince Shotoku

Saint Patrick

Born in Mecca. Founder of Islam. Prophet of God according the Muslim faith

Japanese Regent; Brought Buddhism and Chinese Ideas to Japan

Christian missionary credited with converting Ireland to Christianity

Emperor of Mali; Made famous pilgrimage to Mecca spreading gold

Merchant, traveler; Writings of his travels grew interest in Asia


Pope Urban II

King Richard I


William of Normandy

King John

Norman who invaded France, then England and defeated King Harold at the Battle of Hastings

Forced by the Nobles to establish the Magna Carta because of his excessive taxing

Muslim ruler, took back Jerusalem during the 2nd crusade. Negotiated with Richard I to end the 3rd.

1st Crowned as Pope, "Charles the Great" Head of Holy Roman Empire

"Lionheart" led the 3rd Crusade. Won safe passage to the Holy Lands

Roman Catholic church leader who started the Crusades against the Muslims


Joan of Arc

William Shakespeare

Leonardo da Vinci

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

Henry V

Medici Family

Thomas Aquinas

French peasant, was "sent by God" to help France resist the English. Was executed by the English

Taught you could be religious and scientific

Italian Renaissance artist, architect, engineer and scientist. Created the Last Supper and Mona Lisa

Ruled Florence during the Renaissance, wealthy from banking, patrons of arts

Italian sculptor, artist, poet. Painted mural on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel

Achieved victory during the 100 years war

English poet and playwright. Greatest writer of English language.

Ruled Spain; helped lead the Spanish inquisition; funded Christopher Columbus

Henry VIII

Johannes Guttenberg

Elizabeth I

Martin Luther

Mary I

William Tyndale

John Calvin

Desiderius Erasmus

Created the Church of England and embraced Protestantism- motivated by his want to divorce his 1st wife.

German monk, published the 95 These, a list of complaints about the Roman Catholic Church

Invented the movable type printing press in Europe

English professor; Translated the Bible to English

Daughter of Henry VIII, first Queen of England, Strong Catholic who persecuted 100's of protestants.

Dutch humanist, his writing led to the reformation.

daughter of Henry VIII; established the Anglican Church. Let England to the Golden Age

believed in predestination; was a religious reformer

Galileo Galilei

Sir Isaac Newton

Francis Bacon

Johannes Kepler

Nicolaus Copernicus

astronomer who stated laws of planetary motion. "planets move in ellipses, not circles"

English writer developed the Scientific Method

Proposed a heliocentric model: "The sun in the center of the solar system"

Defined laws of motion and gravitational pull

Invented the telescope, microscope, barometer and thermometer. Proved the sun was center of the solar system

Hero Twins

Montezuma I

Pacal II


Mayan founding Myth; brothers thought to be ancestors of the Maya

Incan Ruler; launched a series of military conquests that built Inca Empire in the Andes

Greatest Aztec emperor

Ruled the Mayan city of Palenque, greatest Mayan King

Hernando de Soto

Henry the Navigator

Christopher Columbus

Henry Hudson

Vasco da Gama

Jacques Cartier

Bartolemeu Dias

Dutch explorer hired by England to find the Northwest Passage

Italian explorer for Spain, mistakenly discovered Americas while searching for India

Spanish explorer claimed the Mississippi river for Spain while searching for the fountain of youth

Portuguese Prince who created a school that trained many famous explorers in sailing and navigation

Portuguese captain, 1st European to reach tip of Africa

Portuguese sailor, 1st European to reach India sailing below Africa

French explorer who explorer the St. Lawrence River in Canada; claimed it for France

Amerigo Vespucci

Francis Drake

Hernan Cortes

Ferdinand Magellan

Bartolome de Las Casas

Francisco Pizzaro

English explorer and admiral was 1st Englishman to sail around the world. Led English Navy to defeat Spanish Armada

Spanish explorer conquered Incas in what we know as Peru

Italian sailor who corrected Columbus's mistake, founded the Americas. Named after him

Spanish explorer; led the conquest of Aztec Mexico for Spain

Portuguese explorer who found a sea route to the Indies by sailing around America, his was first to go all the way around the world. (He died)

1st bishop in S Mexico; devoted life to protecting Native Americans; created the New Laws of 1542 to keep natives safe from slave labor