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töölähetuses käima

mõned aastad tagasi

Ma ei saa päris hästi aru...

reisibüroos töötama

parim õpilane


nii lapsed kui ka täiskasvanud

kedagi kuhugi kutsuma

millelegi osutama

a map of the world

a top student

a couple of years ago

go on a business trip

call somebody over to some place

children as well as grown-ups

I don't quite understand ...

point to something

work for a travel agency

Robert's dad has been ...

Olivia could show ...

Nobody knew ...

In the last science class we ...

Miss Clark said it was ...

about the project called Let's do it!

on business trips to Estonia.

the country clean-up day in Estonia.

gathered at the map of the world.

Estonia on the map.

The video showed people carrying ...

The clean-up day ...

We didn't understand why people ...

We're going to learn ...

Thousands of volunteers ...

how to keep our country clean.

old tyres, fridges, and broken furniture.

was only one day.

dump hosehold waste in the woods.

picked up rubbish from the countryside.