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1. Present perfect Affirmative with "just"
just has air ridden ballon a She hot
2. Present perfect Affirmative with "just"
He has won just a prize
3. Present perfect Affirmative with "just"
has She just roller gone in coaster a
4. Present perfect Affirmative with "just"
learnt Aitana has juts a language
5. Present perfect Affirmative with "just"
Hugo the played just guitar has
6. Present perfect Affirmative with "just"
match football has watched the just She
7. Present perfect Affirmative with "just"
The just followed me has artist!
8. Present perfect Affirmative with "just"
thought fair that´s has just She not.
9. Present perfect Affirmative with "just"
crash police just a man has The seen
10. Present perfect Affirmative with "just"
a the just kart driven Carlos summer got has in
11. Make a sentences in present perfect with already
flown air already has in hot mom a My balloon
12. Make a sentences in present perfect with already
gatekeeper already trash found The the has.
13. Make a sentences in present perfect with already
girlfriend date My has the already.
14. Make a sentences in present perfect with already
have forgiven parents Leo Fernando their and.
15. Make a sentences in present perfect with already
already has The frozen the food unhealthy fridge.
16. Make a sentences in present perfect with already
the already My the have waterslide neighbors got.
17. Make a sentences in present perfect with already
autographs given The already has singer
18. Make a sentences in present perfect with already
The already to gone have architects hotel the.
19. Make a sentences in present perfect with already
trees the in rain grown forest have The alredy plants and.
20. Make a sentences in present perfect with already
cleaner The secrets heard the already has.