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1. In real life, people can purposefully break from their role performance, as they sometimes do during group work. Conversely, although play actors sometimes change lines... [solve below]
to script overall the they stick
2. My father is experiencing role strain because his job and my little sister are so demanding; He will separate the two roles by hiring a nanny for my sister, proving that...[solve below]
to segregate with cope strain we roles role
3. Comparing a play to real life is not always helpful, because unlike a staged performance... [solve below]
planning most without performances life role real occur
4. It is not possible to achieve the expectations of incompatible roles, because of role strain and role conflict. However, strain & conflict poses no problem if...
performance role accepted within falls our limits
5. A student could study by themselves in their room, showing how role performance can happen with no audience, but... [solve below] ...which is the process of influence & reaction between two people.
role performance interaction involves social most
6. When a student can't complete homework because of excessive work hours, they can either earn bad grades or resign from work, showing that we... [solve below]
priorities role setting and by conflict strain solve role
7. Statuses and roles provide the basis for group life, but... [solve below] ...exhibited by people as they carry out a role.
is actual role behavior performance the the
8. Role strain occurs when a person has trouble... [solve below] the expectations of a high-school student requiring them to perform academically, join an organization, & pursue a sport.
roles the single meeting connected many a status with
9. Iranian mothers may promote less independence in their children, while... [solve below] ...showing that different cultures have different scripts for the same role.
in may American independence more promote mothers children their
10. A teenager struggles to cope with the demands of work and school, creating a Role Conflict, which exists when the role expectations for a role in one status... [solve below]
role another status clash with the expectations in
11. In real life... [sole below] ...while in a play the playwright supplies the details of an actor’s performance, & the actor follows the script.
the provides we for the play roles script culture
12. [solve below] ...each individual holds many statuses & each involves diverse roles.
the fact complicated is that life by
13. Teachers have an obligation to be prepared, and students have a right to expect that... [solve below] ...showing that the obligations of one status relate to the rights of another.
prepared be explain teachers material to will
14. The existence of statuses & roles... [solve below]
be to orderly life permits social
15. Role behaviors are based on the rights and obligations attached to statuses. Obligations are behaviors that... [solve below]
individuals perform are to expected toward others
16. A customer can tell a fast food worker that their service is awful, and the fast food worker is able to select from a variety of responses, but the options are not limitless, because... [solve below]
culturally behaviors certain only are acceptable
17. Role behaviors are based on the rights and obligations attached to statuses. Rights are behaviors that... [solve below]
individuals from others expect
18. In life we choose our cues and responses, unlike a play where cues and responses are predictable. This illustrates that... [solve below] ...occurs in all social interactions.
the to of perform choosing how our roles process
19. Think of roles as statuses in action... [solve below]
behaviors and roles describe describe statuses positions
20. [solve below] ...which is an expected behavior associated with a particular status.
carries with variety roles it status of every a