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Your ____ make up the criteria used when placing you into an ascribed status, like race and religion.

_____ impact other parts of our lives, so they are more significant.

Butcher, father, baker, & son, these all indicate a certain ___ , which indicates the position you hold in a given social structure

___ is determined by our master status, which is why the master status of law-breaker has such a major impact on our lives.

We are better able to ___ in a group, if we have a social map that illustrates the routines & relationships within that group.

Master statuses are usually ____ , because they determine how healthy you are, the type of house you have, & how much extra cash you have.

A large part of social structure is social status, and your ascribed status can allow you to have many ___ , or none at all.

If you aren't a slave, and you have a variety of opportunities in your life, you will be able to select an ____ status.

No one comes into this world knowing the social structure for every group, so they need to learn those social structures by ___

People at the top of a social hierarchy have a more powerful rank, and can ____ of those with a lesser rank at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Younger people tend to know more about ___ than older people, proving again that your age is a master statuses, since it impacts your other statuses.

If you are a student, an athlete, & a member of book club, these are all part of your _____ , which you can set into and out of whenever you want.

We have never had a ___ in the U.S., proving once again that your gender is a master statuses, since it impacts your other statuses.

It is important that we learn the ___ of our social groups (like a classroom), and this can be found in the values & norms of our culture.

We learn the values & norms of our ___ through socialization, which allows us to understand social behavior.

You need to know the ___ of a given social group, otherwise you won't know how to behave, like finding people asleep on a classroom floor.

In the majority of the world's countries, it is completely up to you if you want to be a ___ , one of many achieved statuses to choose from.

You do not choose your ____ status, it is given to you when you enter this world, like it or not.

Sociologists do not care about a status by itself. They will only use the status to study a person ____ , when both are in the same social structure.

All Jews in 1930s Germany held the same lowly status, proof that an ascribed status turns you into ___ , and not into a distinct person.