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Jugar Crucigrama
1 the act of recognizing or understanding that something is valuable, important, or as described: These flowers are a token of my ??? of/for all your help. increase in price, value, etc.: There has been little ??? in the value of property recently.
2 related to work that needs special training or education: As you are a doctor, can I ask you about your ??? opinion on what I might be suffering from? having the qualities that you connect with trained and skilled people, such as effectiveness, skill, organization, and seriousness of manner: You have done a ??? job of organising that party! used to describe someone who does a job that people usually do as a hobby: David Beckham is a ??? football player. You are not.
3 the activity of visiting interesting places, especially by people on holiday: We did a bit of ??? in Paris.
4 without any doubt: He ??? said he'd be here. Have you ??? decided to go to Costa Rica?
5 made using the hands rather than a machine:
6 extremely pleased: I was ??? that I came in first for my exams.
7 We had nasi lemak ??? by ice kachang.
8 I want a second ??? of pizza. a small/large ??? of pasta
10 What you need is some ??? loving care. My arm was very ??? after the injection. My steak was beautifully ??? (easy to chew). He was sent off to boarding school at the ??? age of seven. I want to ??? my resignation.
11 a very old story or set of stories from ancient times, or the stories, not always true, that people tell about a famous event or person: the ??? of Sang Nila Utama. someone very famous and admired, usually because of their ability in a particular area: Soccer ??? Pelé. the words written on or next to a picture, map, coin, etc. that explain what it is about or what the symbols on it mean: the ??? of the map.
12 Where did Natalie travel to?
13 the ability to control your fear in a dangerous or difficult situation: It took me ages to summon/pluck up the ??? to ask for a promotion. Synonym of bravery. to be brave and confident enough to do what you believe in: Although many of his policies were unpopular, he had the ??? of his convictions to see them through.
14 containing strong flavours from spices:
15 Don't ??? your chair back like that, you'll fall. She ???ped the contents of her purse out onto the table. The poisonous ??? of the spear... to give someone who has provided you with a service an extra amount of money to thank them: Gave a ??? to the bellboy. He gave me a useful ??? on how to grow tomatoes.
16 Everything in the menu made my mouth ???
17 an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service: administrative ???, entrance ???, legal ???