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1. Make sentences in present perfect simple
Daniel found the document has
2. Make sentences in present perfect simple
sky The flown has the in bird.
3. Make sentences in present perfect simple
english has the class forgotten Max.
4. Make sentences in present perfect simple
has plants weather The frozen the.
5. Make sentences in present perfect simple
got has prize Natanael the.
6. Make sentences in present perfect simple
classmates the test have The given.
7. Make sentences in present perfect simple
The haven girl gone concert the.
8. Make sentences in present perfect simple
has The in beautiful the grass grown garden.
9. Make sentences in present perfect simple
have the They new in neighborhood apartment.
10. Make sentences in present perfect simple
The sellers have scared movie the heard.
11. Make sentences in present perfect negative.
and the children hidden table the they, The seek when under played have hde.
12. Make sentences in present perfect negative.
he felt has mad hit, the door Max when.
13. Make sentences in present perfect negative.
guys their The parade hands the in held.