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BEING CHASED You feel as if someone was chasing you and you're in danger.

FALLING You're falling through space, but don't hit or hurt yourself.

FLYING You're flying and enjoying the sensation.

WINNING You are successful in doing something.

BEING EMBRACED Someone you like approaches you and hugs you.

BEING ASHAMED You do something embarrassing and feel ashamed.

LOOSING TEETH Your teeth all fall out suddenly.

You like someone and feel you can trust that person.

You're worried about something, and his is a warning to be careful.

You feel pleased with yourself and superior to other people.

You feel out of control because someone is threaening you.

You feel very optimistic about how your life is going.

You feel insecure, and you're worried about losing someting.

You feel disapppointed in yourself because of something you did.