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1. Adjectives often come before a noun
A Acomputer Anew
2. Adjectives can come after some verbs: be, seem, look, sound, etc.
sounds Tstory Tinteresting TThe
3. When there are several adjectives before a noun, you must follow the following order: Opinion, size, shape, age, colour, origin, material, purpose
circular AAn Apalace A16th Alarge Ablue AArabian Aamazing Acentury
4. Order the following sentence
A Acentury A18th Acoin Agolden Acircular. A
5. Order the following sentence
old AA Aroom Alarge Acircular Asmart
6. Order the following sentence
old Atwelve Awriter- Ayears- Atalented AA AAustralian. A
7. Order the following sentence
The Ta Twas TBeetles TBritish Trock Tband
8. Order the following sentence
An Abank Abig Acenter Acity Aimportant Aold Ain Athe. A
9. Order the following sentence
a Xbig Xnew XXbox Xwhite Xvideogame Xconsole Xrectangular Xcreated
10. Order the following sentence
cover Tyou Ta Tcover, T Tcpu Tdamaged Tis Taluminium Tso Thave Tnew TThe Tbuy Tto