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1. Make comparatives with "as"
Jesús as as strong Ingrid is.
2. Make comparatives with "as"
english the good Math class isn´t as class The as.
3. Make comparatives with "as"
tired as Majo is as Joss.
4. Make comparatives with "as"
night The long as the as is day.
5. Make comparatives with "as"
as my father is´t mom as punctual My.
6. Make comparatives with "as"
the isn´t lake shallow as as The river.
7. Make comparatives with "as"
Brenda isn´t Vicky as Miss as friendly Miss.
8. Make comparatives with "as"
Gerberas Rosses as are as beautiful.
9. Make comparatives with "as"
The road the as as is narrow street.