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1 The accident was caused by the __ of the other driver. (carelessness)
2 A __ is a lawyer who gives legal advice to clients and prepares legal documents and cases.
3 In a civil law court the __ is the person who makes a legal complaint against another person.
4 __ lawsuits are notoriously difficult to prove because the statements must amount to more than mere gossip and innuendo, and the damage to your reputation may be difficult to prove.
5 A pilot wrongly accused of training the 9/11 hijackers is entitled to claim __, the Court of Appeal has ruled. (compensation)
6 You will be in __ of contract when you go to work for a competitor when your contract doesn't allow it.
7 A Magistrates court deals with less serious criminal cases and __ cases like money claims and other disputes.
8 __ is a published or broadcast false and defamatory statement which damages the reputation of an individual.
9 Would you __ your neighbour if you can't settle a dispute through mediation? (take to court)